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Career Renewal Within Reach

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that we all face change in the world of work on a regular basis. In this session, we look at how to redefine our relationship with our work, careers, and expertise to enrich our sense of authorship and satisfaction with what we do for a living. Based on her original research and her years of coaching, teaching, and consulting, Nayla Bahri will lead an interactive session that offers a chance to look again at how we relate to work, define ourselves professionally, and keep ourselves open to possibilities.

In this interactive session we will discuss:

  • Actions you can take to gain more clarity about your career
  • Steps you can take to claim your value
  • How to weather the storms of the workplace with a sense of resilience

DATE: Wednesday, April 26th

TIME: 6:00pm- 8:30pm

LOCATION: Paul Hastings, 200 Park Ave, New York, NY 10166

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